The Well Dog Place

Dr. Ken Tudor Holistic Veterinarian

Pet Dophilis is a probiotic that can help prevent allergies

Dog Nutrition 08 | Unlikely Reason Why Your Dog Needs Probiotics

Probiotics aren’t just about gut health and digestion. We now know that a healthy bacterial environment in the intestines in puppies can help prevent allergic problems in later life. Mounting research is showing that good gut health promotes a more balanced internal immunity in humans and dogs as well as improved brain health.

Humans and dogs that get a healthy “gut inoculation” of bacteria from their environment (vaginal birth rather than C-section, breastfed rather than formula-fed, early exposure to bacteria from dirt, pets and farm animals, no long-term treatment with antibiotics during early years) are more resistant to allergic conditions. Their immune systems do not overreact to environmental proteins causing the symptoms of allergies, sinus, and asthma in humans and itching with skin and ear problems in dogs.

We like to get all of our dogs and puppies started on life-long supplementation with probiotics. This natural addition stocks the intestines with beneficial bacteria to promote not only better digestion but also a better balanced immune system. Acidophilus and kefir do not contain the variety or numbers of bacteria necessary to provide these benefits. You need to shop carefully for probiotics. Why?

  1. The FDA does not require the bacteria to be alive in probiotic products. If it is not alive, it is not healthy. If they are not refrigerated after opening they are no longer alive.
  2. There are trillions of bacteria in the normal gut. If probiotics are going to help they must be given in the billions.
  3. Although most Lactobacillus species are beneficial, a good probiotic requires other types of bacteria to promote optimal gut health.
  4. They must be given properly or the stomach's acid will kill them.

At The Well Dog Place, we choose our probiotics very carefully so you know they will do their job. We also recommend dogs get prebiotics daily. 

Ken Tudor DVM
Dr. Ken Tudor, Holistic Veterinarian

Dr. Ken Tudor is a recognized expert and leader in the field of pet nutrition and fitness. He has developed a pet weight management program and served on the American Animal Hospital Association task force to develop their Weight Management Guidelines for Dogs and Cats. He is also a frequent guest on the Pet World Insider radio show and a popular guest on the televised Pet Ex Talks-Pet Experts Empowering Pet Parents show.

Dog Nutrition 08 | Unlikely Reason Why Your Dog Needs Probiotics

Dog Nutrition

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