The Well Dog Place

Consultations and Holistic Wellness Products

The Well Dog Place is not a Veterinary Office.  We do not offer traditional veterinary services (exams, vaccinations, hospitalization, diagnostics, treatments, medications or prescriptions).
We are pleased to offer an alternative to the traditional veterinary experience. Rather than a sterile office experience, we offer in-depth, one-on-one consultations with you, without your dog, to formulate a comprehensive holistic program that considers your dog’s total health in the context of their newly diagnosed condition. We focus on the diagnostic work that has already been done, help you understand that information as well as our holistic health plan to meet your dog’s total health needs. We provide the Chinese herbs, essential oils, nutritional plans, and supplements necessary to manage your dog’s condition and promote their optimum health.
We also offer age appropriate health, nutritional, and supplement guidance for normal dogs and puppies!  

3628 Lynoak Dr. #108 Claremont CA 91711
             Hours: Tu, Th, Fri- 12-2pm
   Consultations: By Appointment Only         or (909)625-5805

Dog Vaccine Primer 12 | What is Canine Influenza and Does My Dog Need the Vaccine?
November 6, 2021
Been seeing news about dogs getting the flu lately? Here is what you need to know.
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Dog Vaccine Primer 11 | Does My Dog Need a Leptospirosis Vaccination?
November 6, 2021
Was the outbreak significant enough to be concerned about having your dog vaccinated for leptospirosis? The answer is maybe yes or maybe no.
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Dog Vaccine Primer 02 | Holistic Protocols at The Well Dog Place
When and Why should I vaccinate my dog? Which vaccines matter?
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Dog Nutrition 05 | How to Choose a Quality Homemade Dog Food Recipe
With all of the dog food recalls, you have decided to take control of your dog’s nutrition.
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Dog Nutrition 01 | Do Medical Diets Help?
Unfortunately, many dogs find commercial medical diets, particularly kibble, unappealing. When that is the case, homemade dog food can make a big difference.
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Holistic Dog Treatments 07 | Allergies - Cause, Signs and Treatments
It is the middle of winter, how can my dog have allergies? Believe it or not December to February is sometimes our worst allergy season in southern California. Why?
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Holistic Dog Treatments 01 | What Holistic Veterinary Medicine Is, and What It Isn’t
January 30, 2021
The way we approach “holistic” medicine is to consider the entire health, lifestyle, and diet of each dog to determine their exact problem.
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Holistic Dog Treatments 13 | Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)
January 10, 2021
We reserve the use of Western treatments as a last resort or used in short intervals to “rescue” patients that may have “overdone it” playing or exercising.
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Holistic Dog Treatments 12 | Arthritis - Is Your Dog Suffering in the Cold?
February 22, 2019
Cold, moist winter weather causes diseased joints to swell and increase in pain. Dogs get up from lying down slower and limp or show discomfort with initial exercise. They may have osteoarthritis.
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Basic Dog Care 06 | Traveling? How to Choose a Boarding Facility
7 Suggestions for finding a boarding facility that you can trust, an essential part of enjoying your travel.
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Holistic Dog Treatments 14 | Why Are Dogs So Anxious?
July 10, 2018
In our practice we have no waiting room so there are no other dogs around, our office is carpeted like a home, we spend 15-20 minutes just talking with pet parents to let the dogs roam and adjust.
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Basic Dog Care 03 | The Two Disappearing Days for Dogs
6 Suggestions to Prevent Losing Your Dog. July 5th and Jan 1st, animal shelters are overflowing with dogs that ran away. Make sure yours isn't one of them.
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Dog Vaccine Primer 07 | Vaccines Your Dog Doesn’t Need
June 26, 2018
We at The Well Dog Place want our patients vaccinated, but NOT over-vaccinated. Today we discuss some of the vaccines that may or may not be appropriate for your dog.
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Dog Vaccine Primer 10 | Does My Dog Really Need a Distemper or Parvo Vaccine?
June 19, 2018
The canine distemper virus is common in raccoons, skunks, foxes and coyotes. Have had these visitors in your yard?
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Dog Vaccine Primer 04 | Is Rabies Needed?
June 5, 2018
Rabies vaccine is not given to your dog to protect it.
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Dog Vaccine Primer 01 | Are Vaccines Good or Evil?
May 29, 2018
There is presently a widely believed idea that vaccination reactions are common and vaccines cause other health problems, like cancer, allergies, overstimulation of the immune system.
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Holistic Dog Treatments 09 | 6 of the Most Common Causes of Dogs Limping
May 22, 2018
Although foot pads problems are the first thing owners think of when their dog limps, these are not the most common causes of limping in dogs.
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Holistic Dog Treatments 04 | Causes of Vomiting & Diarrhea in Dogs
May 7, 2018
Vomiting and diarrhea are protective symptoms that occur when the digestive tract is disturbed. Most dog owners immediately think of parvovirus or parasites or dietary indiscretion.
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Senior Dog Care 08 | Monitoring Your Dog’s Heart and Lungs as They Age
May 1, 2018
It is common for older dogs to develop poor functioning heart valves that cause regurgitation and murmurs. This “un-pumped” volume of blood causes the heart to enlarge and become less effective at its job of circulating blood.
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Senior Dog Care 09 | The Sewage Treatment Plant of the Body
April 24, 2018
The liver never gets time off. That is why it is impossible to “detoxify” it. It will even detoxify the supplements used to detoxify it. This constant work with toxins takes its toll as the years pass.
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Senior Dog Care 01 | How Much Protein to Feed
April 16, 2018
As a general rule, commercial dog foods are not very high in protein (20-28%). Senior diets are often 18% protein. Why?
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Senior Dog Care 02 | How Lab Work Helps
April 10, 2018
Increased water consumption and urine elimination may be signs of problems that you are already noticing. Lab work helps us identify what may be causing those symptoms.
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Dog Nutrition 09 | Prebiotics: The Forgotten Supplement
April 3, 2018
Most dog parents know that probiotics are good for their dog’s health. We featured those benefits in our last blog. But what about prebiotics?
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Dog Nutrition 08 | Unlikely Reason Why Your Dog Needs Probiotics
March 27, 2018
Probiotics aren’t just about good gut health and digestion.
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Dog Nutrition 06 | “Superfoods” for Dogs
December 13, 2017
Only in the world of unicorns and leprechauns do Super Foods exist.
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Senior Dog Care 03 | Preventing Dementia
December 5, 2017
Did you know that older dogs experience the same type of Alzheimer changes in their brains that cause dementia in humans?
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Dog Nutrition 03 | Counting Calories to Improve Your Dog’s Health
November 28, 2017
Dog food companies have taught us to feed cups or cans of dog food. But cups and cans can vary as much as 200 calories per cup or can between and among dog food brands.
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Dog Nutrition 02 | Food Ingredient List - The First Ingredient Rule Myth
Did you know the first ingredient listed on a dog food label is NOT the main protein ingredient? This first “Ingredient Rule” is a total myth.
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Dog Nutrition 04 | How Good is Your Dog’s Food?
Bring in your dog food information at your next exam and we will calculate the quality!
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Basic Dog Care 05 | How to Select Dog Shampoo
Most dog parents probably don't realize that they should be checking their dog's shampoo bottles. Can't I just use my shampoo?
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Basic Dog Care 04 | Why You Should Cope with the “In Heat” Dog
We know that early spaying may cause female dogs to have urinary incontinence, urine leakage during rest and sleep, later in life.
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Dog Vaccine Primer 09 | What is a Blood Titer Test?
August 10, 2017
Research has verified the titer dilution necessary to protect dogs from distemper, parvo or hepatitis. If your dog’s titer is lower than those recognized as protective, your dog needs a vaccination.
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Dog Vaccine Primer 05 | Why Rabies Every 3 Years
August 1, 2017
Why can’t I do a blood titer instead? At The Well Dog Place we are hearing these questions on almost a daily basis. They are good questions but...
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Basic Dog Care 13 | Ticks and Dogs
Tick activity is the greatest during spring, summer, and early fall. These pests can be a severe health threat
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Basic Dog Care 02 | Dental Care
Learn about The Well Dog Place’s program for dental care. Dental health is important for your dog’s overall health, we suggest that dental procedures may not require anesthesia.
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Senior Dog Care 06 | How Milk Thistle Can Help an Aging Liver
January 10, 2017
The liver is literally the sewage treatment plant of the body. This work eventually takes its toll and the aging liver shows signs of damage in routine blood work.
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Holistic Dog Treatments 05 | Can Essential Oils Protect Your Dog from Viruses?
January 2, 2017
There is a worldwide problem of bacterial drug resistance to all medications because doctors and vets have been prescribing antibiotics for viral infections for decades.
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Dog Vaccine Primer 03 | Is There a Holistic Alternative?
December 30, 2016
I was recently asked if there was a holistic alternative to vaccinations for dogs. After much thought I decided the answer was ...
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Holistic Dog Treatments 11 | How to Tell If Your Dog is Dehydrated
October 21, 2016
For years, veterinarians, veterinary technicians and other dog related professionals have been taught the “tent method” for determining a dog’s hydration.
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Dog Vaccine Primer 08 | Why is the Dose the Same for Small and Large Dogs?
October 14, 2016
Are you confused as to why a Chihuahua gets the same amount of vaccine for viruses as a Great Dane? You should be. And the answer is not obvious.
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Holistic Puppy Care 02 | When Should I Spay or Neuter My Dog?
August 22, 2016
New research suggests that standard approaches to age for dog altering may have adverse consequences.
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Basic Dog Care 10 | Do I need to give my dog heartworm medication?
The mosquito that transmits heartworm disease in dogs is not commonly found here. So why over-treat?
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Basic Dog Care 14 | Dog Bite Wounds: What You See Is Not What You Get
Whether to a human or another dog, the tissue damage from dog bite wounds can be extensive, painful, and potentially life-threatening.
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Basic Dog Care 12 | Castor Bean Poisoning - Right in Your Own Backyard
The toxin in the fruit bean of the Castor Bean Plant is the most toxic chemical known to man. Ricin, is also lethal to dogs.
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Holistic Dog Treatments 15 | Why Does My Dog Keep Getting Ear Infections?
May 23, 2016
Your dog is not getting or “catching” ear infections. Your dog is suffering from a condition that promotes uncontrolled growth of bacteria and yeast that normally live in his ear.
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Holistic Dog Treatments 10 | Why Do Dogs Pant?
May 11, 2016
One of the hardest medical questions I get asked a lot is, why are their dogs panting when they are not exercising? Sometimes the cause is obvious. Other times it is downright mysterious.
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Basic Dog Care 15 | Protect Your Dog from Saltwater Poisoning
Fetch at the beach is great because dogs can exercise vigorously without overheating. But there are some hidden dangers with beach play.
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Holistic Dog Treatments 16 | Essential Oils for Arthritis
April 18, 2016
Do you worry about the side effects of your dog’s arthritis medications? There are natural alternatives that don’t have the same risks.
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Dog Vaccine Primer 06 | Is Your Dog Being Over-Vaccinated?
April 4, 2016
A part of any wellness program for dogs should include vaccination against serious life threatening diseases. But do we need to vaccinate dogs yearly or even every three years?
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Holistic Puppy Care 03 | Why Do Puppies Get Multiple Vaccinations?
March 28, 2016
Vaccines prevent serious, life-threatening viral diseases; for puppies that means vaccinations every 4 weeks from 8 to 16 weeks of age. But, why give so many shots? Wouldn’t one shot with a booster be enough?
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Basic Dog Care 08 | Anal Gland Health is Important for Your Dog
Does your dog scoot her bottom on the carpet? Does he suddenly and violently turn toward his rear or try and chew under the base of his tail?
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Basic Dog Care 01 | How Often Should I Bathe My Dog?
How often should dogs be bathed is a frequent question asked by my veterinary clients. And it is a good question because the answer is “It depends.”
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Senior Dog Care 04 | My Dog's Pupils are Grey!
March 7, 2016
Have you noticed that the pupils of your dog’s eyes are getting grey and even slightly white as it ages? Are you scared it is cataracts and she is going blind?
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Basic Dog Care 07 | Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?
 4 possible reasons why dogs eat grass. Do any of them make sense?
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Senior Dog Care 07 | Why Does it Matter That Dogs Age Faster Than Humans?
February 22, 2016
You have all heard that one human year is the same as 7 years in a dog, right? Well it turns out it is not that simple. It actually depends on the weight of the dog.
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Basic Dog Care 11 | How Often Should I Take My Dog to the Vet?
Dogs accelerated aging means problems can develop faster, seemingly overnight, and progress faster than the same problems in humans.
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Basic Dog Care 17 | Tear Staining (Part 2)
In the last post we listed the breeds that are particularly prone to this tear staining.
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Basic Dog Care 16 | Tear Staining (Part 1)
Do you have a dog that needs continual cleaning under the inside corner of the eyes, next to the nose?
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Basic Dog Care 09 | 5 Essentials for Your Dog’s Health
Resilient health is about a lifetime wellness foundation built on the 5 pillars of health for your dog. We can help you build a plan that works for your fur family
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Dog Nutrition 07 | Why Dental Treats Can Make Your Dog Fat
January 11, 2016
Most dog owners know that dental health is important for their dogs. It only makes sense that dental treats that encourage chewing can help but they are also loaded with calories, lots of calories.
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Holistic Dog Treatments 08 | How Laser Therapy Can Help Your Dog's Pain
December 28, 2015
Has your veterinarian offered cold laser therapy for your dog? This safe non-invasive procedure can help cure or manage many common medical problems.
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Senior Dog Care 05 | Preventing Hearing Loss
December 21, 2015
You notice that your elderly dog doesn’t seem to obey voice commands to “come” anymore, especially when she has here back to you. Is she being stubborn, is she deaf or a bit of both? Even dogs with chronic ear infections seldom lose hearing due to their ears problems. Old age hearing loss occurs in the brain. And you can do something to prevent it or slow it down.
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